Party Name:
Syriac Union Party
Party Establishment
The circumstances in the region and the damages suffered by the Syriac people in the past and still today from the ruling dictatorial regimes necessitated standing against them. Social gatherings started on a small scale to establish steps and begin consolidating goals. Then, our party was formed on 1/10/2005, taking on the destiny of the Syriac people, their existence, and status in their land and homeland, Syria. The party represents their political identity, strives to achieve their goals, and stands against totalitarian parties and denial policies practiced against the Syriac people.
The uniqueness of this party, stemming from the historical, cultural, and heritage values of the Syriac people, made it keen to lead the Syriac people to the level of free nations and take their place with dignity among these peoples. It contributes to building the Syrian state to help achieve democracy and elevate Syria’s status among nations. The party struggles through democratic and civilized means against the denial and oppressive policies that the Syriac people have been exposed to. It defends the Syrian people’s right to achieve a pluralistic, civil, peaceful system based on consensual democracy, empowering individuals in society to exercise their rights democratically, building a society based on democratic principles that respect human rights and international laws. The party seeks to develop and strengthen friendships among all segments and components of Syrian society, ensuring equality and peace among them. It organizes the Syriac people and defends their national rights as an indigenous people in Syria democratically and within the laws and constitutions recognized by the United Nations. It also defends the rights of Syriac people in Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, and Iran through joint cooperation with the institutions and parties of the Syriac people in those countries.
Party Structure
Party Council.
Executive Committee.
Disciplinary Committee.
Party Flag:
The background is white, the eagle is red, and in the place of the eagle’s head is a sun with a Shamash star inside it.
The white color symbolizes peace.
The red color symbolizes struggle and the blood of martyrs.
The sun symbolizes light, knowledge, culture, and truth.
The Shamash star is a historical symbol of our people.
Party Conferences:
The founding conference was held on October 1, 2005, where Mr. Ishaq Koreh was elected as the party leader.
The first general conference was held on December 20, 2013, where Mr. Ishaq Koreh was elected as the party leader.
The second general conference was held on June 1 and 2, 2018, where a co-presidency of Mr. Sanharib Barsom and Ms. Rima Said was elected.
The third general conference was held on February 19, 2021, where a co-presidency of Mr. Sanharib Barsom and Ms. Nazira Koreh was elected.
The fourth general conference was held on March 3, 2024, where a co-presidency of Mr. Sanharib Barsom and Ms. Shamiram Danho was elected.
Goals of the Syriac Union Party
National Goals:
The party seeks to achieve unity among the Syriac people under their various names (Assyrian, Aramean, Chaldean, Maronite, Melkite, and Mhalmoye).
It defends the national, cultural, historical, geographical, and social existence of the Syriac people in Syria.
It introduces the identity of the Syriac people in Syria and on international platforms.
It works to reach agreements with the parties of our people and activate joint work with all our people and their civil and religious institutions.
It strives to stop the migration of the Syriac people from Syria while creating a suitable environment for our migrant people to return to their homeland.
It aims to establish democracy and acceptance of different opinions among the Syriac people.
It strives to achieve equality between men and women and enhance their roles within the Syriac society specifically and Syrian society in general.
It works to find solutions for the problems faced by our youth in the homeland.
It aims to elevate individuals’ social and economic levels in the homeland.
It promotes teaching the Syriac language at all levels.
It develops, establishes, and supports social, artistic, and cultural institutions.
National Objectives:
To contribute to drafting a democratic constitution for Syria that aligns with the needs of Syrian society.
To recognize the Syriac people (Assyrian, Aramean, Chaldean, Melkite, Maronite, Mhalmoye) as an indigenous people and guarantee their rights in the constitution.
To recognize the Syriac people’s religious and national holidays.
To achieve equality and social justice among all components of the Syrian people—Syriac, Arab, Kurd, and other groups—while guaranteeing their national rights constitutionally.
To struggle for a pluralistic, decentralized democratic system in the Syrian state.
To participate in state administration.
To play an active role in initiating a new renaissance in Syria.
8. To stand against ethnic intolerance and religious extremism in Syrian society and establish appropriate historical and cultural curricula for its components.
9. To work towards promoting coexistence by ensuring peace and harmony among all components of the Syrian people.
To develop the characteristics of each component, including language, social relations, culture, and heritage, and to make the Syriac language an official language in Syria.
11. To raise awareness among the Syrian society that Syria’s geography is the common homeland for all and to strengthen relations with Syrian forces committed to Syriac rights.
12. The party adopts UN resolutions, laws, and conventions to solve issues related to borders, the Golan Heights, and the Iskenderun region.
13. To develop economic projects to enhance Syria’s natural resources without harming the environment.
To work towards fair distribution of national wealth among the Syrian people.
15. To give special importance to the youth to elevate them to a global level by enhancing culture, education, sports, and technology.
To stand against discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, and gender in Syrian society.
To remove barriers to free media.
To issue a general amnesty for political prisoners.
To modernize state institutions.
To issue a modern law for political parties.
To promote a culture of democracy among the Syriac and Syrian people.